June Executive Advisory Committee Meeting Recap

Our Student Executive Advisory Committee co-chair, Grace (she/her), provides a quick re-cap on the happenings of our most recent Executive Committee meeting!

June Exec Meeting Tile

On June 24th, we held our monthly Student Executive Advisory Committee meeting and we covered a lot of ground. Let me give you a brief rundown of what we discussed. 

Upon arriving at the office for a big day of discussions, we were thrilled to find that our exclusive 2023-2024 Executive Committee member jackets had arrived. We couldn't resist trying them on and were all very impressed with how they looked. Over the year, we've been working on the design together to reflect the personality of our group so it was very exciting to see them in real life!

As always, we began the meeting by acknowledging the traditional owners of the lands we all come from and approving the minutes from the previous meeting. This ensures that we are all on the same page and agree with the record of our previous discussions. It also helps to catch up some of the committee members who weren't able to make it to the last meeting.

Next, we talked about our relationship with the Department of Education and how to make the most out of our meetings with the Deputy Secretaries. We discussed the unique opportunity we have as VicSRC Executive Committee members when it comes to advocating for the things that matter to students most directly to key stakeholders in government. The Deputy Secretaries, for example, are high-level decision-makers in the Department of Education and we get to meet with them quarterly to share what the students of Victoria are experiencing in their education.

From there, we shifted our focus to media interactions and received valuable communication and marketing training from our resident expert, Abby. We talked about the importance of protecting ourselves and the organisation online and also discussed advocacy opportunities in the media to spread the word of student voice! This session was co-facilitated by Abby's dog (and our unofficial org mascot), Totty.

Finally, we are excited to announce that planning for the next round of Executive Committee elections is currently underway. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting development!

About the author

Grace VicSRC 2024 Student Executive Advisory Committee Member